Dear our Heavenly Father, thank you for Your never ending love and grace over us. We glorify You for Your loving kindness, and thank You for Your boldness towards our salvation. We are so fascinated by Your ways, always surprising us with Your provisions, guidance and even pointing out those who need our undivided care and attention. Your word has indeed been the very light we need to show us the path through the fallen world. Thank You Lord for being the very Father we so longed to have. Thank You for giving us the hope we need and the Holy Spirit, the true teacher and reminder that You will never leave us orphaned.
We come before thee bringing forth our GWP leadership in its entirety. We pray for Your guidance, protection, unity and wisdom for each one of them. We pray for the peace of the world, including Ukraine, Haiti, Congo and every other country or region affected by war or rebels. We ask You Lord to re-awaken Your church through awakening the very hearts You have created for Yourself. So much to ask for, yet We are so very grateful that Your eyes are always on us and Your grace is always sufficient for us. We bless you Father, in Jesus name we pray- Amen.
Spiritual Self Defense
Every evening, Neema sits down with her girls in their safe house to learn about Jesus and His love for them, and His direction for their lives.
“Some of our girls are Muslim and its our great wish to see them coming to Christ and getting baptized one day on their own wills. What a celebration that will be for them to join the kingdom?!! During one of our sessions, some were so amazed to learn about “being born again”. These scriptures have never been so true and meaningful than now.
“Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Act 2:38). They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household.” (Acts 16:31)” We pray that our girls will lean on the truth and then come to the truth (Christ).
Physical Self Defense
Intellectual Self Defense
Graduated 2019!
Marangu Teachers College
We truly thank God our Father for our girls in school. They are all doing well, and are studying hard despite the fact that English is still a challenge to be overcome. The time table has been changed, and this means our girls have the longest term until the end of July for them to start their holiday (summer vacation). The national census is in August so it disrupted the normal time table a bit, we can only pray that our girls will be able to bear to the very end victoriously with good grades.
Economic Self Defense
We bless the Lord for His never ending provisions. It has been challenging with inflation. Everything seems to have taken a step back, but we know with God we can take a step closer. Keeping our girls in school has been the most priority and keeping up with other needs has been a bit sore yet how thankful we must be, at least we have each other and more importantly, God with us. He blessed us with a house and now rain for our crops, which are doing so well now. We thank God our animals are happy and healthy.
2 Moto Taxis
The motorcycle project is progressing well.
This month 189,000/= Tsh goes to GWP savings and 81,000/= Tsh goes to Neema’s family.
We were able to send Neema money to buy more food supplies for the girls in her safe house to fill the gaps that her crops and livestock weren’t providing! Chief Sandy also takes girls into her home, and we were blessed thanks to you to send her money to take care of her girls as well!
This month, Erasto (Neema’s husband, the groundskeeper for the safe house) began partnering with a men’s soccer league. Each Saturday they had a great inclusive session with the teams discussing how important it is to protect women and respect them. They expressed how much fun they have had during the match and sessions. During one of the sessions while they were talking about how women are a gift from God, that every person in the world was born from a woman and that they should be treated with respect, one of the men spoke about how women in marriage is like being in a jail and that it is not right.
We also thank God for our Chief Ndeenga, she was invited to teach about Gender Issues to participants from more than 13 African countries . “I can only hope that more people are re awakening to fight the injustices toward women and children and humanity in general. That it will come a time when every human is for another not against, each to see the importance and worth of another,” Ndeenga (Sandy) said.
Short Term Goals
– As we planned to have a football match, we didn’t succeed because it has been season of agriculture, so it has been hard to find a big number of men. We plan again this month.
-Teaching the girls in school, Lotima school.
-Visiting our girls in school.
Long Term Goals
- Get good results from our girls in school 2022.
- Getting an elderly woman who can stay with our girls in the safe house.
- Learn more new moves for self defense.
- Start doing outreaches especially to the more vulnerable groups.
- To have a very good Therapist.
Sandy’s Goals
- Visiting the schools and in villages, meet with the society and serve them.
- Go to the villages like twice a month to teach them, life skills, courage to stand for their own, to teach them about Jesus
Neema’s Goals
- To receive more girls who are in need
- Go to the interior villages, teaching them FGM, Early marriage, effects of Child birth, effects of using family planning to the younger girls
- Start teaching the CURRICULUM and I wish they will receive Jesus
- Teaching the women groups on how to do a “zero based budget.”
Erasto’s Goals
- The girls will get the food from our farm.
- The environment is in a good way taking care of the gardens.
- To ensure the security of the land and everything in it.
- To meet with the groups of Men, and create the soccer league to get more young men, to teach them how to respect and value the girls.
Get Involved
We invite you into a much bigger picture of changing the world. If you would like to get involved in what we do, please consider donating!