Prayer Chain
Dear God, thank you so much for what you are in our lives, for taking care of us. What can we say again if not to say thank you and tell you that we recognize your mercy and favor. We prayed and you listened and answered us more than we can imagine. Your girls put their knees down and prayed and you responded! GOOD you are! THANK YOU FOR THE SUCCESS OF GALA. We ask you to bless KELLY and KRISTIN and ALL the team working hard for it. Dear GOD bless them, surprise them with good things for your glory, and the name of JESUS will be glorified forever. CONGO says thanks. We bought our land and now we will start construction.
Oh God it is an amazing miracle and it is an honor for me Annette Watuta chief GWP Congo to see that dreams come true.
We recommend Lea in your hand she will finish her university this month. We praise you for it. We need also your favor and grace, give us opportunity to grow and make more money with our business this month so with our profit we can send more girls to school and provide food for us. Thank God we want to start building the safe house and we surrender the rest of the budget in your hands. We believe this safe house will be finished as you plan for us in JESUS name we pray AMEN.
Spiritual Self Defense
Story of evangelism: fall
Genesis 2 :8-9, 16
“Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
In this part of the curriculum, we understand that God created a paradise and created us to live there and share with him. There was nothing like disease, nobody hurt the other and nobody died. He gave us a world where we could have everything we wanted and everything we needed, a promise of the existence of joy and love and happiness between us and the Creator.
He made us have a relationship with him because he loves us very much and cares for us deeply. He wanted to give us the choice, God wants us to be free he wants us to be able to choose life and not sin.
He wants us to be able to fall in love with Him so that we can become aware that in him and through him alone we have freedom and like that through Jesus Christ we live. This is our understanding.
Physical Self Defense
We continue learning technical stand up and fight stance. We need to know it better, all girls must know them as well, for our good and our protection as the danger can come anytime in our region. It is so helpful -we are preparing the next generation of strength and powerful girls -those who will know how to protect themselves.
Intellectual Self Defense
We are waiting for Lea’s (left) graduation and preparing her event surprise!
Plamedi and Deborah are continuing to study and Mignone is waiting to finish with two courses and do the exam and finish this academic year. Their families are happy to see that they are no longer being chased out of school because they don’t have school fees.
Economical Self Defense
For Watoto talents, I have 4 children in the music program.
Ibiza Dahlia events: we are preparing for a big Christmas event in December.
Be organized and stay focus in our goals- it the decision of GWP Congo. so helpful to have everything in order and planned.
I’ve be able to save for GWP 30$ this month and I buy food for my family for 50$. This the end of year, so we can find more customers.
We had the privilege to have received 2 invitations: one was an invite to one of the local radio in my town to talk about GWP and Ibiza dahlia events and give a specific message to those girls surviving without no help. On the 23rd and 24th of November, we participated in a meeting hosted by the Peace Centre in Bunia, CMS and CMS‐Africa.
Topic: Making new disciples in a context of conflict.
Planned Future Activities
Learn perfectly the moves of self defense.
Select a little group of girls, those who can be able to learn and teach others in the team and teach out in surrounding areas.
Start with two groups of GWP in other areas.
Visit an orphanage as a team.
Have a program of prayer once a week with all the girls on our new land, surrendering construction and everything in God’s hands.