Prayer Chain
God thank you for the breath of life because wake up in Goma is a grace, other days revel from miracle, as a leader I’m thankful when I see what you are doing for us and realize where we come from my heart is full of gratitude
We’ve learned to trust you, to communicate with you in prayers, meditate your word, sharing love and kindness to others
you have shown us your boundless love, your protection is you have been, you are and you will remain our God, Father, Friend, Trusting One, the Provider, we need you as we are praying for sustainable safe house ,and the refugees camp GWP section please Father provide more than I can ask you know the desire of our heart and let us bring blessings for others, I and we bless our donors and our lovely sister chief Kelly ,and all GWP members around the world and let your name be glorify.
Outreach: Refugee Camp
For the month of September, we did several activities and this allowed us to achieve a positive result regarding our plans.
In the beginning of the month, we have prepared the return to school for our kids as well as follow up on them in their respective schools.
We worked on the situation of Esther who had some complications after giving birth and this led us to the hospital for 2 weeks for appropriate care and it finally led us to a good result from which Esther and the baby are doing good.
On September 11, 12, 13 and 27 and 28 We also did agricultural activities.
And we assist our GWP Refugee camp section in prayer so may God provide for them as their in-emergency need (toilet, colonies house, seed to plant food, one more water tank…)
As for this, we continue with our usual activities in the next month and look for innovations for the advancement of GWP CONGO
Spiritual Self Defense
As it to help the girl and woman to believe and trust God, to understand that she is made in his image and that she is able to accomplish great things regardless of the environment in which she lives, and be friend with the word of God. As a mum, I would like to share something with you here in the safe house I learn more from our girls and boys as all us coming from a different places and family issue sometime is hard to found a common and one direction to all of them , the thing I face something as challenges Everyone wants to be appreciated, loved and listened to and receive more than the others what can be a problem and source of conflict between them so I turn it into positive ways and I will develop it more next month .
To honor others means to give them preference, placing their needs and desires ahead of our own. In a world that often promotes self-centeredness, biblical honor calls us to be intentional about elevating others, just as Christ elevated us. Whether in our families, workplaces, or communities, we are called to live selflessly by seeking to put others first.
Making Others Feel Valued
reminded my team that every person is created in the image of God and therefore deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Revelations 7:9-10 paints a beautiful picture of every nation, tribe, and tongue standing before the throne of God, showing the diversity and unity within God’s kingdom. Sue urged everyone to make others feel valued by recognizing their unique qualities and treating them as precious members of God’s family. She emphasized that honoring others is not just a good moral practice but a reflection of God’s heart
Physical Self Defense
We still in Course 1: Lesson 1
Helping the girl, the woman to develop physical abilities while being able to defend herself in case of danger, everyday this becomes more and more necessary to know and make more women know about it, as much as we are working smart to learn more about our course 1 in case of doing it good; Fight Stance, Technical Stand up, Push and pull base
After reviewing their video, they have still not passed an essential step in the technical stand up. They can complete the technical stand up when there is no one there, but as soon as there is pressure from someone “attacking” them, they lose the technique completely. We are working on this fundamental stance so that if they are attacked they can get on their feet quickly and effectively.
Intellectual Self Defense
In case of helping the boys, girl, woman has developed her intellectual abilities by learning language, writing, speaking in order to be useful in society and develop other assets. Graceful aims to help the woman to know that she is special made in the image of God and that she is able to accomplish great things.
Facilitate the training and fight against juvenile delinquency (normal schools’ programs, tailors, hair style, entrepreneurship, grading)
• Stimulate the culture of tolerance and peace among young people
• Encourage female leadership, etc…
Music Lessons
Tailoring Training
Weekly trainings with Rachel, a very skilled young woman that we sent to school for tailoring!
Hair braiding Trade
Year long course for professional certification
Graduated December 2021!
Goma University, Business Degree
Annette Watuta
Business Management
Mignone, 21
Goma University, Psychologist
Year 3 out of 4
Amina Daniella, 20
University, Agriculturist
Year 1 out of 4
Daniella, 18
Muga, 17
Secondary School
Kavira Justine, 14
Secondary Secondary
Beni, 15
Secondary School
Deborah, 14
Secondary School
Angel, 14
Secondary School
Ade, 13
Secondary School
Plamedi, 12
Secondary School
Deborah M, 12
Secondary School
Lucie, 14
Secondary School
Noella, 14
Secondary School
Leticia, 13
Secondary School
Jeaninie, 11
Secondary School
Light, 10
Secondary School
Kito, 8
Primary School
Economical Self Defense
Events Business: In this month we are grateful for the business events which is really going well we had been able to find a wedding to organize and decorated with profit of $ 495
This month was in the ones difficult for us we didn’t make as we plan it not reservation with our Noah, and not too much income with our Watoto chips but we were able to get something into our benefit and Savings
Ibiza Dalia
Event Planning Business
Chips Business
Taxi Van
Get Involved
We invite you into a much bigger picture of changing the world. If you would like to get involved in what we do, please consider donating!